Congratulations to club chairman Bill Power who was awarded his Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation (FIPF) in Drogheda on Saturday last.  Bill’s panel of toadstools got unanimous approval from the judges, and the adjudicators’ comments afterwards were very complementary of the quality of the images and the presentation of the panel.
Bill expressed thanks to everyone who helped and supported him in the run up to his submitting his Fellowship panel for adjudication. He said he especially wanted to thank club members who gave him constructive advice and assistance during the week in the run-up to the distinctions sitting.

Club members Vivien and Jer Buckley and John Doheny travelled to Drogheda for the distinctions sitting and to support Bill as did Eileen Sykes from Fermoy Camera Club.
The committed and members of Mallow Camera Club congratulate Bill on this great achievement.

To see more of Bill’s photographs go to