Monday next, 21st October, is the first competition night of the season. The theme is ‘Countryside’. Members are welcome to enter up to ten images each (projected, colour, monochrome, prints), which will be independently judged and critiqued. Bring whatever you have – landscapes, farm scenes, farm animals, trees, toadstools, rivers, leaves, nature – anything that you think fits into the theme of Countryside.
Mallow Camera Club meets every Monday night in the Mercy Centre, Mallow. We’ve been having great fun lately with our ‘Countryside’ activities. Last Sunday, members of the club went on a photo shoot to Galtee Castle Wood on the Galtee Mountains. We photographed riverscapes, woodland scenes, toadstools (including Fly Agarics), rocks, an old mill, flowing water, leaf patterns, and a werewolf. Yes, a werewolf! We were also caught a rare glimpse of one of the buzzards sometimes seen over the mountains while enjoying tea, coffee and refreshments in Kings’ Yard.
Our Galtee Wood trip was followed on Monday night with members taking to the outdoors to shoot night scenes. Some excellent images were taken. Afterwards, we got to review the images taken on both trips.
Our meetings are open to all, and we welcome new members. More photo shoots are being planned for the near future.
We are also on Facebook – just search for Mallow Camera Club and click ‘like’ to keep up to date with our posts.