Camera Skills Classes
Mallow Camera Club will be holding 8 weeks of camera skills classes for anyone who wishes to learn more about their cameras, and how to improve their photography. These classes are open to non-members and members alike. There will be opportunities to join the rest of the club on outings…
LIPF Panel
Congratulations to Christopher Bourke and Jim McSweeney for LIPF Distinction.
The SACC photographer of the year competition
The Southern Association of Camera Clubs photographer of the year competition took place in the Horse and Jockey Hotel on 20th November. A number of club members did very well at the competition Tony Coakley was awarded a gold medal in the non advanced colour print section with his image…
Mallow Camera Club News on Facebook
Our 30th year of Mallow Camera Club has come to an end with the AGM last evening. There was a very large attendance at the meeting and the following officers and committee were elected for the 2016-17 season. Chairperson Jim McSweeney Vice Chairperson Paul Tips Secretary: Margaret McAuliffe Treasurer: John…