30th Year Event
Our first 30th year event will take place on Monday 22nd Feb at 8pm in the Mercy Centre Mallow it is one of our "Down Memory Lane" nights. On 22nd Feb we are holding a slides night from the pre-digital era this will be presented by 5 of our original…
Our New Facebook Page Mallow Camera Club 30 Years Growing
We have a new logo and a new Facebook page to celebrate our 30th year as a club and will be adding events and projects along the way so check the FB page out and give it a like! Mallow Camera Club 30 Years Growing
SACC 2016 Nature Regional Qualifier
Great success for club members today at the SACC nature photographer of the year competition in the Celtic Ross Hotel Rosscarbery. Jim McSweeney won gold and sliver medals in the non advanced colour Print open. In the non advanced print themed section he won the competition and was awarded the…
SACC Photographer of the Year 2015
Mallow Camera Club members had some great results at the SACC Photographer of the Year 2015 competition.  Below are the results of the members. Colour Print - Open - Intermediate 1st         Jim McSweeney              Mallow Camera Club     Reflections   26 2nd       Breda O'Mullane             Mallow Camera Club     Mating Dragonflies   25 3rd        …