League September 2024 – Theme ‘Open / The Natural World’
The results of the September 2024 monthly league competition were announced at our weekly meeting on Monday 14th October. The theme for the competition was ‘Open / The Natural World’, with each entrant submitting 3 digital entries. The competition was judged by Joe Doyle AIPF EFIAP/p from Malahide Camera Club.…
League 2023-2024 Overall Winners
Mallow Camera Club’s annual League for the 2023-2024 season concluded with our April 2024 competition. This year's themes were ‘Mono’, ‘Strike a Pose’, ‘Leading Lines’, ‘Minimalist’, ‘Sport / Action’, ‘The Natural World’, and ‘Creative Techniques’. Members submitted three digital images to each monthly competition and the competitions were judged by…
MCC League September 2023 – Theme ‘Mono’
The results of the September 2023 monthly league competition were announced at our weekly meeting on Monday 25th September. The theme for the competition was ‘Mono’, with each entrant submitting 3 digital entries. The competition was judged by Mark Gorman AIPF / ARPS of Blarney Photography Club, who did a…
MCC League February 2023 Theme: “Open”
Mallow Camera Club held the live judging of its February League competition via Zoom on Monday 6th March. The competition theme was “Open,” with each entrant submitting three digital images. The competition was judged by Martin Patten who did a fantastic job in judging the competition and providing constructive and…
MCC League January 2023 Theme: A Different Viewpoint
Mallow Camera Club held the live judging of its January 2023 League Competition via Zoom. The competition theme was “ A Different Viewpoint” with each entrant submitting three digital images. The competition was judged by Clodagh Tumilty AIPF, who did a fantastic job in judging the competition and providing constructive…