Monday 10 November – Change In Programme
There is a change in the club programme for next Monday night, 10 November 2014. Club member Teddy Sugrue will be showing a selection of images from his recent visit to Iceland.  On his trip Teddy captured amazing landscape and seascape images which he will be sharing with us on Monday night. We…
Annual General Meeting – Monday 03 November
The Annual General Meeting of Mallow Camera Club, will take place on Monday night, 03 November 2014, in the Mercy Centre, Mallow at 8:00 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend and participate. In addition we will have Members’ Portfolios – Helen Toner and Bob Hutton, and final preparations for participation in…
Annual General Meeting Deferred
The Annual General Meeting of Mallow Camera Club, due to be held on Monday night, 20 October 2014, has been deferred for two weeks. The AGM will now take place on Monday 03 November 2014 in the Mercy Centre, Mallow at 8:00 p.m. The meeting scheduled for Monday 20 October…
Club Programme Up To December 2014
The Club Programme for the period up to the end of 2014 is available for download from the website. Â You can also click on the page tab above to view the programme. Click here to download a printable version. Mallow Camera Club meets on Monday nights in the Mercy Centre…
Susan Brown Talk in Mallow Camera Club
Mallow Camera Club is delighted to welcome renowned UK photographer Susan Brown FRPS to give a talk on Monday night next, 29 September. Susan is acclaimed for her superb land and seascapes and especially the use of long exposures in both colour and monochrome. Susan’s philosophy on photography is summed…