Guest Speaker John Finn – Monday 10 February 2014
John Finn will be visiting Mallow Camera Club on Monday night next to share his fabulous images with us. John describes himself as an enthusiast photographer based in Carrigtwohill, County Cork, and many of his landscape shots are taken in and around East Cork. He is a member of Cork…
Club Outing To Dingle – Update
The planned outing to Dingle this weekend is going ahead despite the bad weather forecast. For those travelling we are meeting at Inch Beach on Friday afternoon at 4.30 p.m.  For anyone who can’t make this, or if it doesn't suit, meet up with the rest of the gang at…
A Successful Day for Mallow CC Members at the SACC Nature Finals
Mallow Camera Club members collected seven of the 22 medals awarded, and a Honourable Mention certificate, at the Southern Association of Camera Clubs' (SACC) Nature Competition held in Mallow on Sunday 26 January 2014. Among the medal winners were Paul Tips, who won two Gold, one Silver and one Bronze…
Mallow Camera Club Hosts SACC Nature Competition
Mallow Camera Club is delighted to host the SACC Regional Qualifier for IPF National Nature Competition 2014. The competition will be held next Sunday, 26 January 2014, in The Amelian Theatre, St Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow.  Judging is open to the public and entry is free. There are a number of…
Serbian Silver for Bill
Club Chairman Bill Power won a Salon Silver Medal recently for his image 'Alley Apple Three' from the Kula International Grand Prix in Serbia. The image was taken by Bill at the Gentse Feesten international festival in Belgium, which is one of the biggest music festivals in Europe, attracting about…