Welcome to Mallow Camera Club

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Uploading member images

We hope to start uploading member images at the end of next week. Members can email the webmaster (John Hogan) on the  last week of September, to recieve their login datails. The webmasters email address is .  

Club program Sept to Dec 2011

                                                           Mallow Camera Club Programme –September to December 2011 Date & Day Item Contact / Notes 19 September (Monday) Open Competition2 Categories – Novice and Advanced(judged separately) Competition Secretary 24 September (Sat) Outing to Killarney Area John Flynn 26 September (Monday) PhotoShop Basics  Rodney O’Callaghan 03 October (Monday) TBA (To Be…

New Year Begins

The new photographic year started of last night with the Annual General Meeting. Barry Linehan steps into the role of chairman, to take over from the clubs most sucessful chairman Rodney O Callaghan. No doubt he will be hoping to build on the success of last year and continue the…

Niamh Geary Exhibition

Niamh Geary (Tim’s Daughter) is holding a Photo and Art Exhibition of her own work in Mallow Library. The exhibition will run for two weeks from today. If you’re passing the library why not drop in and take a look
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