Upcoming Event
Kilkenny Photographic Society will be hosting a distinctions workshop at the St.Patrick's Centre in Kilkenny on Saturday 12th February 2011 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. Mark Sedgewick will be there to provide useful information and to give advice to anyone intending to apply for a distinction this year - albeit…
Upcoming Event
John Hooton and Brid Coakley are inviting all members to the opening of there exhibition in the Mallow Library on Thursday the 6th of January. The event will begin at 6pm and will be opened by renowned photographer Tony Worobiec FRPS. The exhibition named 'Rhythm of Light' is sure to…
SACC Print & Projected Images
The competition will be held tomorrow in Kilcoran Lodge hotel, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Allow extra time to travel to the event. Last enties taken at 11.30am. Competition begins at 1.30pm. Because of the weather we may have fewer participants, so now might be your chance to do well.
Upcoming Competition
There is a new date and location for the SACC Print and Projected Image Competition. It will now be held on Sunday December 19th, at the Kilcoran Lodge Hotel, Cahir, Co. Tipperary (www.kilcoranlodgehotel.com). The SACC AGM will also be held at this meeting. We will be looking to elect a Chairman and…
Party of the Year
This years Christmas party will be held in the Hibernian Hotel, Main Street, Mallow on Thursday the 16th of December at 8pm. The dress code is casual, but tailcoats are optional. This year the cost per person is €19.95. This is for a 3 course meal. You may have a 2 courses and…