Results of our February Monthly League Competition: “Framed”
The results of the February 2020 monthly league competition were announced at our weekly meeting on Monday 24th February 2020. The theme for the competition was "Framed", with each entrant submitting 4 digital entries. The competition was judged by Kaye English FCC. and Seamus Mulcahy LIPF of Blarney Photography Club…
Results of our January Monthly League Competition; Theme: “Emotions.”
The results of the January 2020 monthly league competition were announced at our weekly meeting on Monday 3rd February 2020. The theme for the competition was "Emotion", with each entrant submitting 4 digital entries. The competition was judged by Derville Conroy Kilkenny CC & John Doheny MCC. who did an…
Presentation of The Peter Slattery Memorial Award to MCC Member Colman Culhane on December 9th 2019
At our MCC Annual Dinner on December 9th 2019 in The Springfort Hall Hotel, Rory O Connor from Blarney Camera Club and on behalf of the SACC presented our esteemed colleague Colman Culhane with The Peter Slattery Memorial Award. Colman has been an active member of our Camera Club for…
SACC PotY and NPotY 2020 Results
Congratulations and well done to MCC Members Breda O Mullane, Donal Murphy, Janusz Trzesicki, Justyna Trzesicka, Vincent Higgins, and Jim Mc Sweeney on winning Medals and Honourable Mentions at The SACC Photographer of the Year and Nature Photographer of the Year Regional Round which was held in The Horse &…
Results of Mallow Camera Club Image of the Year 2019 Competition
The competition was judged by Niall Browen. AIPF EFIAP. and John Finn. ARPS. who did an excellent job of scoring and providing very useful feedback on the entries. Many thanks to Niall and John for their excellent contribution. Many thanks also, to Neil and Lisa for all the effort in…