The competition was judged by Niall Browen. AIPF EFIAP. and John Finn. ARPS. who did an excellent job of scoring and providing very useful feedback on the entries. Many thanks to Niall and John for their excellent contribution.
Many thanks also, to Neil and Lisa for all the effort in organising and administering the competition. Many thanks to club members for printing both the colour and mono images. Many thanks to everyone who helped on our judging night with the Projection of the images, mounting the images on display boards, calling the scores, recording the scores both manually and digitally, and members who brought food and to all our kitchen staff, and to everyone who helped in any way to make it a special night.
The standard of entries was very high, with some really exceptional images presented. Thank you to all the entrants for your outstanding efforts.
The announcement of the winners and awards for our Image of The Year Competition were announced at MCC annual dinner on December 9th 2019 in Springfort Hall Hotel. Many thanks to everyone who arranged and helped out in any way on the night to make it a most enjoyable night
Congratulations to all the winners, who are as follows:
Colour Print : Grade 4
1st: Patricia O Meara LIPF
2nd: Janusz Trzesicka AIPF
3rd: Neily Curtin AIPF
Colour Print :Grade 3
1st: Justyna Trzesicka
2nd: Julia Trzesicka LIPF
3rd: Lisa Egan
Colour Print : Grade 2
1st: Phillip Kerins
2nd: Fred Ward
3rd: Kieran Cogan
Colour Print : Grade 1
1st: Seamus Myers
2nd: Alex Bourke.
3rd: Kieran Mangan..
Overall IOTY Colour Print Winner : Patricia O Meara. LIPF
Mono Print : Grade 4
1st: Paul Tips LIPF
2nd: Neily Curtin AIPF
3rd: Janusz Trzesicka AIPF
Mono Print : Grade 3
1st: Justyna Trzesicka
2nd: Julia Trzesicka LIPF
3rd: Lisa Egan
Mono Print : Grade 2
1st: Philip Kerins
2nd: Kieran Cogan
3rd: Fred Ward
Mono Print : Grade 1
1st: Brian Power
2nd: Ann O Mara
3rd: Seamus Myers
Overall IOTY Mono Print Winner: Paul Tips LIPF
Image of The Year : Projected
Projected : Grade 4
1st: Janusz Trezesicka. AIPF
2nd: Breda O Mullane
3rd: Patricia O Meara LIPF
Projected : Grade 3
1st: Justyna Trzesicka.
2nd: Julia Trzesicka. LIPF
3rd: Lisa Egan
Projected : Grade 2
1st: Philip Kerins
2nd: Fred Ward
3rd: Kieran Cogan
Projected: Grade 1
1st: Ann O Mara
2nd: Seamus Myers
3rd: Anne Buckley
Overall IOTY Projected Winner: Janusz Trzesicka AIPF