Even though the club wasn’t meeting over the summer months club members continued producing great images and some have had success winning prizes and achieving acceptances at many international salons. Some of the successes are listed below for club members John Hooton, Bill Power and Teddy Sugrue.
John Hooton
John’s awards over the last few months include:
East Antrim Salon 2014, Open Section: PAGB Silver Medal for ‘Driftwood’.
Artfoto Gallery Salon2014, Bosnia Herzegovina: Art Gold Medal for ‘Sunbeam’.
Solway Small Print Salon 2014, Open Section, Cumbria, U.K.: Honourable Mention for ‘Rock Cluster’.
Midlands International Salon 2014, Open Section, UK: PSA Gold Medal for ‘Clogher Swirl’.
In addition to the above John also had numerous acceptances at various salons.

Bill Power
Club chairman Bill also had considerable success over the summer months picking up three gold medals, one bronze medal, six honourable mentions and 56 acceptances in competitions in the UK, India, Serbia, Macedonia, France, Germany, Ukraine and Scotland.
His run of success began in May when two images, ‘The Original Gannets in Love’ and ‘Light Above the Crossroads’ won FIAP Honourable Mentions in the Salon Mondial d’Art (Esch) salon in Luxembourg.  Soon afterwards, his image ‘Ivory on the Laneway’ was one of only 202 images accepted for exhibition by the prestigious Edinburgh International Exhibition of Photography.
Those success were followed shortly afterwards by a Bronze Medal in the PFM International Digital Salon in India for ‘Time to See’.  The same image also won a salon Honourable Mention in Perspective Two in India.
Bill’s first major medal of the summer came in the Artphoto Gallery Salon 2014 in Bosnia Herzegovina where he won a Salon Gold Medal for ‘Ivory on the Laneway’.
The Cakovec competition in Serbia was to provide most wins in a salon for Bill where he was awarded a UPI Gold Medal for ‘The Original Gannets in Love’, a FIAP Bronze Medal for ‘I Awake’, and four FIAP Honourable Mentions for ‘Time to See,’ ‘Heavenly Wish,’ ‘Light Above the Crossroads’ and ‘Revealing’.
Bill feels however that his most important award of the summer was in the South Devon Salon, UK, were his image ‘Sulphur Tuft’ was awarded a FIAP Gold Medal.

Teddy Sugrue
New club member Teddy hasn’t been quiet either. He has been working hard submitting images to various salons to add to his 244 PSA acceptances to date. Teddy’s target is to achieve 288 Acceptances by the end of 2014 so that he will gain his 5th Star and PPSA (Proficiency Photographic Society of America) award. The Photographic Society of America award Stars for a selected amount of acceptances and titles submitted to International salons under their patronage. Currently Teddy has his 4th Star for 144 PSA Acceptances which he achieved for more than 48 different images.
To date Teddy has also had 206 FIAP acceptances in various international salons.
Among the awards Teddy has won during the summer was a Certificate of Merit for his image ‘On the Horizon’ in the Southampton International Photographic Salon.

Congratulations and well done to John, Bill and Teddy.
Apologies for all the acronyms in the report above – here is a guide:
FIAP – Fedération Internationale de l’Art Photographique
PAGB – Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
PSA – Photographic Society of America
UPI – United Photographers International
If any other club members have had success and acceptances at salons over the last few months can you please let me know so that I can publish details on the club website.